Hi, I’m Karen.

There is nothing we can’t do and no problem we can’t solve when people are connected.

Most leaders struggle to realize that they are living below their capacity, running on 4 instead of 8 cylinders, or even running on fumes. 

You were designed to fully thrive!

The outcomes in your professional life are enhanced or limited by your capacity to love and be loved. Relationships are the needed fuel to thrive in all areas of life.

Ensure that YOUR life, love and leadership is experienced at your highest capacity!

Relationships are essential to life’s leadership, but so many people feel lonely and disconnected.

I guide leaders through a growth process that ensures they have the capacity to flourish in all realities of life.  

Let’s come up with a plan to support you and your needs.

Executive Group Coaching

Organizational Coaching

Individual Coaching

My Coaching Style

I believe the guiding principles of a healthy relational culture are made up of the four capacities of character. Character is the set of capacities needed to meet the demands of reality.

  • Bonding – Develop capacity to engage in deep, vulnerable, fulfilling relationships that fuel performance and engagement
  • Boundaries – Increase capacity to confront in healthy ways and communicate effectively
  • Reality – Strengthen capacity to resolve perfectionism, be skilled at adaptation, and avoid entitlement attitudes
  • Maturing – Develop the capacity to relate as a mutual adult, understand purpose, develop talent and employ effective work ethic

My  faith is at the core of my practice. I believe that each person was uniquely created to live their own grand narrative in relationship to God, self and others as the heart and center of the created order.


I believe that one of the greatest harms to people is social isolation. When people are connected both to God and to others, they are able to get the fuel they need to become all that God created them to be. Whether the CEO of a publicly traded company, or a homeless mom sleeping under a bridge, both need the same thing: Connection and feeling a sense of belonging are the fuel of life.

I look forward to being a part of your growth tribe! Together let’s grow and dig around in your soil, practicing the beautiful art of ‘one-another’!

My coaching is based on a leadership growth model developed by Dr. John Townsend, author of 37 New York Times best selling books, has proven itself to be highly effective at increasing performance and life satisfaction.

The skills I bring with my individual and group coaching will impact your leadership, your organization, your vision, your relationships and your life.


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